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How a lack of self-esteem steals your happiness
It's what keeps us stuck.
We live our lives based on the expectations of others and say yes to more things than we would like. We give our happiness away with our own hands.
Do these sound familiar?
Difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships: A lack of self-love can make it hard to form healthy relationships with others. You may struggle with trust issues, have difficulty expressing your feelings, or engage in self-sabotaging behaviors that push others away.
Poor mental health: A lack of self-love can contribute to feelings of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. You may struggle with feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness, which can make it hard to find joy and fulfillment in life.
Negative self-image: If you don't love yourself, you may struggle with body image issues or other negative perceptions of yourself. You may focus on your flaws and feel unhappy with the way you look or who you are.
You deserve to he happy
No one is coming to save us.
Not everyone was gifted parents who made us feel enough or spouses who support them and make them feel enough.
That has NOTHING to do with you loving you.
Your answers are within your connection with Allah SWT and you...not based on others.
Only YOU can start this process.