Get the secrets to
mending your marriage
even if it seems unfixable

Get the secrets to mending your
marriage even if it seems unfixable

…so you could start connecting & living and finally stop worrying about your future.

“I didn’t believe this much change was possible either until I did it.”

In under 3 weeks you will get to know:

 If we haven’t met…I’m Mindful Muslimah.

I’ve been married for almost 25 years to my best friend and we have 5 kids ranging from 8 to 25 (not to mention 6 grand babies), a licensed educator and mentor.

I’ve taught and mentored women for 20 years…

….on how to find love & maintain a great marriage that lasts.

But it didn’t start out that easy…

In fact, years back, I was sitting right where you are right now.

In a marriage that made me sad…

I didn’t know how to connect with my husband and could feel our distance growing.

I was doubting I could ever get through to him…

Not feeling heard and worrying about my family’s future kept me up at night.

I got so fed up with feeling like he would never get me or listen and desperately wanted to rekindle our connection.

A life where we could love instead of never seeing eye to eye on almost everything…

I stumbled into a brand new world, where I quickly realized and learned that the answers I was seeking were already in our deen for me to apply to our relationship.

I was shocked that in doing small, but powerful moves and techniques, so much of our dynamic completely changed between us… even though we were both us and our money, living situation or other stressors were as usual.

It also showed me that my marriage COULD get better… and that my “false belief” that it couldn’t, my lack of faith in Allah and my ability to know what to do next were the actual things holding me back.

Now, what inspired me to put it all into easy to do next steps came from looking at my own children, and wanting them to figure it out way faster than I did and with less pain.

If I were to go back to my younger self and give me advice I would start here…

These are the very first things that I learned that started making all of the difference.


And because I want as many women to learn this as possible, though it took me a TON of time and effort to learn & put down….


and even though this can’t be found anywhere else, specifically for Muslim women, …. yet, if you stumbled upon this I know you could really use the next steps.

“I want to make it easy for our women.”

We serve women world-wide & a high number of requests….

And have a LIMITED number of women that we are able to give this out to in this way.


(if you get before the timer is up)
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P.S…. the hardest part is starting. We did all of the work for you in the bundle. 

Recognized by Scholars, Alims & Qaris

Mufti Menk

“Many from across the globe are doing good work. May Allah Almighty grant them success in this world and the next. Ameen. Follow Mindful Muslimah and benefit from her”

Mufti Rafiq

Visiting Instructor at Thrive Muslimah

Ustadh Yahya Raaby

Visiting Instructor at Thrive Muslimah

Sheikh Sajid

Visiting Instructor at Thrive Muslimah

"We Help Women not just Grow, But Thrive"