
Help Our Next Generation of Muslims Get Married & Stay Married!

Help Our Next Generation of Muslims Get Married

& Stay Married!


funded of $10,000 USD


Mindful Muslimah, Inc. is a Registered 501(c)(3), Tax ID 862149107.

Help Solve the Muslim Marriage Crisis:

The average divorce rate for a married Muslim couple is approaching an alarming 50% on average. Many new marriages are not making it past the first year and many Muslims are now fearing and avoiding marriage all together. As a result, many are choosing to delay an Islamic marriage or are turning to haram dating due to a lack of guidance and support.

We all see it happening, but what are we doing to stop it?

  • As parents… we now see an epidemic of our young people getting married later, and later, falling into Western dating, or avoiding marriage altogether.
  • As a community…we often feel helpless. Most of us don’t have the time or the tools to address this heavy problem even though we know the future of our Ummah is at stake.

A Mindful Muslimah brand is dedicated to teaching, uplifting, supporting and guiding our young people on how to get married, as a Muslim, in this complicated modern world.

What Your Contribution Goes to:

  • Providing marriage classes and courses to young people on how to get married by the Qur’an and Sunnah
  • Providing religious guidance that teaching the rights of spouses, parents and their future children
  • Providing Nasiha sessions to youth grappling with the prospect of marriage
  • Providing community/membership through emotional and psychological support with Muslims aligned in the deen
  • Giving our Youth hope and confidence that getting married in an Islamic manner is good for them

Common Concerns of Our Youth That We Solve/Address:

  • Understanding rights of spouses
  • Understanding the qualities of a good spouse
  • Navigating family pressures and obligations
  • Solidifying Islamic Ideals and personal values that lead to picking the right spouse
  • Avoiding red flags and mismatches

Choose how you make an impact:


Become a Healer!

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ was the most generous of people. Help us open the doors to healing and peace for hearts needing guidance and healing.

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Empower a Muslim with Essential Skills

Thank you for empowering a Muslim, helping them learn the skills they need to have a healthy marriage and raise an strong Islamic family.

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Help Us Reach More Communities

Help us reach our Muslim community by funding materials we need to create classes, courses, support groups and more!

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Bring Joy and Remove Distress

Masha’Allah! You are doing something to prevent the suffering of Muslims that are currently unsupported in the marriage process and are struggling to hold onto their deen. May Allah ﷻ put barakah in your rizq. Thank you for helping to educate and support your distressed sisters!

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Help Us Expand our Impact!

Allahu Akbar! May Allah ﷻ grant you his ﷺ company in Jannatul Firdous, ameen!

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Help Us Expand our Impact!

Allahu Akbar! May Allah ﷻ grant you his ﷺ company in Jannatul Firdous, ameen!

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Help Expand our Impact!

Allahu Akbar! May Allah ﷻ grant you his ﷺ company in Jannatul Firdous, ameen!

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We understand their struggle and meet them where they are to help them get back to the best version of themselves. We help subside their fears around marriage, assure that Islam is timeless and that a beautiful marriage is possible for them when they honour the process that Allah SWT has given us as Muslims.

We don’t just talk about the ideas, but give detailed step-by-step guidance to how to find a spouse in the modern world, without compromising their Islamic identity and core beliefs.

Why Is This Cause Worthy of Your Support?

The Mindful Muslimah brand is creating RESOURCES that are SIMPLY NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE and that are DEEPLY NEEDED. We are dedicated to uplifting, supporting and guiding our young people in a difficult modern world. We are currently working with tens of thousands in over 147 countries. We understand the struggle of the current generation and meet them where they are to help them get back to the best version of themselves.

Our resources help subside Muslim fears around marriage, assure that Islam is timeless and that a beautiful marriage is possible for them when they honour the process that Allah SWT has given us as Muslims. We don’t just talk about the ideas, but give detailed step-by-step guidance to how to find a spouse in the modern world, without compromising their Islamic identity and core beliefs.

We teach the step-by-step Islamic method of asking the right questions, navigating marriage apps, finding spouses, regardless of post pandemic conditions, and how to avoid red flags and secure their future marriage in the best way possible.

We have a dedicated team of trained professionals, classes and courses to support our youth, but we can only provide as much support as our resources allow.

Help us to address this epidemic and secure the future marriages of our next generation by addressing their concerns, educating them on the right way to get married, by the Quran and Sunnah.

Donate today and save families for generations to come. Invest in them and your Akhirah.