Unlock the Exact Way to Find Him

Unlock the Exact Way to Find Him

Avoid Wrong Guys & Get the Right One. Period.

—No More Wasting Time, No More Feeling Defeated

—No More Wasting Time, No More Feeling Defeated


The TRUTH is, there ARE good guys out there.

You’re just fishing in the wrong place & putting out the wrong bait.

MY STORY: From Devastation to Dream Marriage

If we haven’t met…I’m Mindful Muslimah.


I’ve been married for almost 25 years to my best friendand we have 5 kids & 6 grand babies. I’m a licensed educator and solution builder..


I’ve taught and mentored over 30,000 women for 20 years on how to find love the right guy & stay married.


But it didn’t start out like that…


Years back, I was sitting right where you are right now.

Feeling honestly…defeated and afraid to make the wrong decision…


But the bad news for me is…I did.


I used my emotions, and it was stupid & painful.


I IGNORED all the signs/red flags…just staring me in the face and married for “love”.

I later discovered …who he “really was”.

I spent another 3 years crying daily and then it ended in an ugly divorce. I was left to raise 2 kids ALONE.

Alhamdullilah, I eventually found a mentor that taught me these questions & their answered
and put it an easy to understand and apply method.

I couldn’t believe it was that EASY all the while and I was STRUGGLING for NO REASON.

Why is everyone not taught this ?

Fast forward until today…

I learned these SIMPLE but POWERFUL QUESTIONS and they showed me he was THE ONE.

It was unbelievably easy & painless. I knew what to do & no longer was wasting time.

You could wake up with confidence. No more worry about finding the right spouse. You’ve attracted a spouse who cherishes you, supports your values, and builds a life with you that you both love.

And it doesn’t just bring you a spouse; it deepens your connection to Allah SWT, bringing peace, confidence, and inner strength.

So What’s Stopping You?

I see you. It’s hard.

You’re battling A LOT...

It’s not your fault.

It’s what 90% of Muslim women are experiencing who try to marry.

But what is even CRAZIER... is that no one TEACHES YOU in detail how to DO IT RIGHT.

But what is even CRAZIER... is that

no one TEACHES YOU in detail how to DO IT RIGHT.

Almost no families.

Not our mosques or communities.

And just so you know, anyone can get married...and DIVORCED a year later.

But that isn’t what you want.

You’re not trying to be part of the current stats where almost 50% of women are getting divorced.

This is where you story will be different....

While others are throwing out random questions you have...

The Ultimate Questions & Guided Resources with 25 Years of Expertise to:

The Compatibility Bundle

How to Find a Spouse Starter Pack (Worth $226)


Ultimate List of Questions & Answers (Worth $99)


Essential for Knowing exactly HOW to FIND the RIGHT GUY to ASK the Questions

Spouse Finding Blueprint EBOOK (Worth $29)


Your Road Map - Step-by-Step Instructions

Marriage Ready Checklist (Usually $15)


This Checklist Makes it Clear if you are Ready for Marriage

Total Value: $369 

Today’s Price: Only $37


More Success Stories...

Like Klau who found a husband in just 2 months.

She was being taken advantage of and learned how to get what she wanted for herself and son, without feeling guilty.

Even as a divorce with a special needs son)

Like Lisa who found a husband in 5 weeks.

Previously, she had completely given up.

(Even as a new revert)

I got Marriied 3 months later!

“Alhamdulillah, the information I learned empowered me to step up and speak up for myself to find my happiness in the suitable spouse.”


Narmine ​

Or Narmine, who couldn’t find a guy for 7 years and after using the questions, then did in only 3 months

Sis, I know how it feels to wonder when it’ll be your turn

- spending countless nights praying and second-guessing.

But imagine if you could finally stop waiting and find him...

How good would it feel to sit across from someone and ask them a question from an informed position of power. Having decades of strategy in your pocket, waiting for their answer, and in seconds, knowing if it equals compatibility.

Even if you’re using APPs, having this caliber of information sets you apart from all of the other people, getting pushed around and played, never being asked for their hand and marriage.

No better or easier time is going to come. Taking action is your next step.

And if you don’t believe your situation can be helped that means you are putting a limit on Allah SWT. He can do ANYTHING for you.

But He needs you to do your part or things won’t change for you.

( ** This offer is a LIMITED TIME offer)


Have Questions?