I’ve tried in the past and just can’t do it
What does success mean?
Defining Success
1. Base it on Core Beliefs
Success might mean something different to different people. And for Muslims, you might refer to our books in terms of our obligations. And if you’re not Muslim, you might have your own core beliefs. And that’s also something you might refer back to in terms of what you want to stay true to. Our definition should help give us a sense of where we want to end up, what we value most in our lives, and the things we don’t want to compromise in that journey for success.
2) Personal Passion
A Life Lesson: If you Don’t Define Things

Oftentimes, It’s Not What You Think It Is
One person was saying, “I love you and it makes me think that you love me, too, when you remember to call me, or ask me if I ate, or ask me if I’m feeling well today.” So for this person, they have very specific checkboxes of what they thought it meant for someone to love them and to show their love. Meantime, the spouse goes, “Whoah! That is not at all what I thought.”
Success could be different things to different people
Elements of Success
1) Success means fulfilling my obligations

2) Passions of the self

Write it Down

In a journal, define these two things:
1) What are my core beliefs?

2) How do I define success?

The Upcoming ‘Success’ Topics: What’s Next?