Hi, I’m Mindful Muslimah. Founder of the Organization and the Host of The Mindful Muslimah Speaks Podcast.

It was late at night and I had taken my 5th phone call that night, twenty in just that week. I got down on my knees to Allah SWT praying for a way to finally come up with lasting solutions for problems that seemed impossible to solve. As a community leader and dai of twenty years, I felt like the only fire fighter in a city ablaze and time was racing fast.
How could I ensure the rights of all of these women alone?
Women couldn’t wait any longer, frustrated that their local communities and families were not offering solutions to the deep seeded problems they were facing. They were giving up hope…it was bad.
Teens would come to me in depression and spouse seeking frustration, mothers having suicidal thoughts after struggling with child rearing alone and toxic family dynamics, marriages…and even abuse. Many women were told to just have patience and endure then sent home. While patience is a part of struggle, education and actionable steps toward lasting resolutions were often times needed & completely left out.
As a result, many were leaving Islam or their marriages feeling absolutely unheard and hopeless. Whilst their cries hadn’t been heard by the boards of many relief organizations, I knew as a wife and mother, that I had to do something. We are taught that our women and mothers are honourable, the first teachers of children. To invest in our women is to invest in our ummah’s future and to neglect it our demise.
And so we began… it started off gathering just a few sisters wanting to create real change and give help until it grew to an entire team of trained mentors, therapists, social workers, scholars and volunteers, by the help of Allah SWT.
Years later, our organization and podcast is a place where women can find not just answers, but life changing support. Together, we now serve 7 Million in 100+ countries on the podcasts and educate and mentor tens of thousands coming through our private, safe space community, Thrive Muslimah. We are honoured and ask for the strength and your help and support to continue. Our chidlren’s future depends on it.
Mindful Muslimah, Inc., empowers Muslim women by helping them go from simply “surviving” everyday life to “thriving”, as women of impact. We help Muslim women balance living in a modern world, while excelling in their Islamic identity.
To create a stronger identity and quality of life for women world-wide.
We Work with Integrity, We are Intentional, Always Aware of Accountability, Problem Solvers at Heart, Collaborative & Inclusive.
“Many from across the globe are doing good work. May Allah Almighty grant them success in this world and the next. Ameen. Follow Mindful Muslimah and benefit from her”
Collaborator, Imam and Founder of the International Open University
Visiting Instructor at Thrive Muslimah
International Qari and Da'i
Visiting Instructor at Thrive Muslimah
Scholar of Shariah & Islamic Jurisprudence
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