4-Point Journaling ( Digital ) Shopify

Why Daily 4-Point Journaling?
Daily Journaling, especially in the 4-Point Method below, helps you to stay mindful of your thinking, pinpoint patterns in your behavior and therefore shift to a more positive thinking and lifestyle.

How easy and fast is it?
This type of journaling should take 5-10 minutes and be done either, as soon as you wake up or right after you do morning prayer (If you are a mom, we especially suggest doing this before your children wake up. Wake up 5 minutes earlier if you have to). If done consistently, you will find yourself having a happier and more positive outlook on your day, insh'Allah. We suggest doing it daily to keep a consistent mood, or especially on days when you wake up feeling horrible. If you begin to notice patterns within your writing, it can reveal deep patterns that can help you to learn about yourself and how to improve yourself.