365 Days of Daily Reflections Digital Journal ( shopify )

Many of us struggle to create or maintain a healthy relationship with Allah SWT and ourselves in our daily lives. Mindfulness journaling is a great way to develop a focus on mindfulness and positivity in your life. The Muslimah Mindfulness Journal will be your guide on that journey to connect with yourself and your Rabb (Lord) in a meaningful way. With relevant weekly themes and specially curated prompts for each day, this journal will help you get started in your empowerment journey.

Make the intention that your daily journaling in this book will be your starting point on your lifelong journey to connect with yourself and Allah SWT in even deeper and more meaningful ways. My hope is that you get to experience all the benefits of being mindful even if you've only journaled for a few minutes daily. Truly, consistency is what matters the most in this journey of empowering yourself. I believe it would be wiser to improve yourself gradually rather than attempting to do it all at once. As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small." (Bukhari)

About The Muslimah Mindfulness Journal:

  • 429 pages of beautiful & aesthetic Mindfulness content
  • Weekly Themes for Connection with Your Rabb (Lord) and Yourself
  • Daily prompt and space to write your reflections
  • Detailed explanation about Mindfulness and how mindfulness looks like in daily life

When you embrace mindfulness, it truly has transformational effects on your life. Mindfulness will:

  • Helps you to feel more grateful and happy about your life.
  • Increases compassion for yourself and others.
  • Helps to guide you in responding to situations better.
  • Helps to correct your negative thinking.
  • Helps to increase your self-control and avoid sins.
  • Increases your sincerity and remembrance to Allah SWT.