Mindful Muslimah

Get the Critical Steps to Finding the Right Guy

Get the Critical Steps to Finding the Right Guy

…so you can stop fearing you’ll make the wrong choice

…so you can stop fearing you’ll
make the wrong choice

or that real love isn’t meant for you,

and start building a future with someone who truly gets you.

…So you can find a compatible spouse that is right for you,  start building a future with someone who truly gets you & avoid divorce 

You’ll Learn How to:

Listen to a Previous Student Who Shares the Impact for Her

“Wish I knew this stuff sooner. Finally learning it, I got married 6 months later and I’m so happy.”

“Wish I knew this stuff sooner. Finally learning it,
I got married 6 months later and I’m so happy.”

 If we haven’t met…I’m Mindful Muslimah.


I’ve been married for almost 25 years to my best friend and we have 5 kids ranging from 8 to 25 (not to mention 6 grand babies), a licensed educator and mentor.


I’ve taught and mentored women for 20 years…

….on how to find love the right guy & maintain a great marriage that lasts.


But it didn’t start out that easy…


And years back, I was sitting right where you are right now.


Feeling honestly…defeated and afraid to make the wrong decision…

I had seen the heartache of my cousins and friends whose drama marriages I did not want to end up like.

My parents didn’t have the best marriage, or at least I wanted my marriage to be better.


At times, I was doubting if love was even meant for me…

Would I end up picking the wrong guy and be trapped unhappy for life or divorced within a year?

Would I end up alone, because isn’t someone out there for me, who could love me as I am?

I have to mention my self-esteem also wasn’t the best.


Also here I was starting to give up and was honestly with feeling anxious. I was fed up about the whole thing.

My parents were just leading me down the cultural or societal route and my friends were not truly any help, as they were making mistakes just trying to figure it all out like I was.


One night, I remember praying so hard into my prayer mat one night that it was soaked with tears. I begged Allah SWT to show me what to do and surround me with those who could help me. I was lost.

He led me into a brand new world, where I quickly realized and learned that the answers I was seeking were already in our deen for me to apply to our relationship.

I learned that if I could just learn in these four areas…

I would know what to do. 

Having this…I entered into a new phase where I ACTUALLY was confident enough to know EXACTLY what to do. 

It was almost scary how much regardless of my situation, I could take control and make things better. Why is everyone not taught this…?

Fast forward until today…

 I am happily married for almost 25 years to my best friend and now committed to saving the ummah’s new challenge of our climbing 50% chance of divorce rate!

Now, if I were to go back to my earlier self (who was still lost) and give me advice I would start here…

These are the very first things that I learned that started making all of the difference.

And because it’s important that as many women learn this as possible, though it took me a TON of time, tears and effort to learn and put together….

and even though this can’t be found on the internet specifically for all Muslim women (married the first time, divorced and starting again, whatever the situation)…

And because you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to be your best & get clarity…

“I want to make it easy for our women.”

There are truly a LIMITED number of women that we are able to give this out to in this way.
ONLY $27
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P.S…. the hardest part is starting. We did all of the work for you in the bundle. 

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